“Street Tree” Sycamore and Cedar
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I'm calling this tenor "Street Tree" because the Sycamore for the back and sides was recycled from street trees that had were diseased or starting to lift sidewalks in Southern California.
Sycamore is not only and very interesting wood visually, it also makes a nice sound.
This ukulele never actually made it to the wall at Island Bazaar. It was put on hold for a friend of mine who fell in love with it.
The top is made from a piece of Western Red Cedar that had the clearest most beautiful tap tone that I have ever heard.

The accent woods are big leaf maple burl. The neck is Honduran mahogany with a carbon bar for reinforcement.
The fingerboard, bridge, binding and rosette are East Indian rosewood.

The back and sides are California Sycamore. The combination of dots and dashes is quite dramatic and variable even on the same board. Sycamore only has these markings when it is quarter sawn. If it is not quarter sawn it not only doesn't have the same figure, the wood tends to move/warp a bit.
As always this uke has a sound side port that allows the player to hear the same sound as the audience.
The sides are pretty crazy.